Trailers and Dollies
Category Information
Cargo platform CARGO 2500S
Данная тележка предназначена для перемещения грузов с помощью тягача, как внутри складских помещений, там и на открытом воздухе. Произведена эта модель в тесном сотрудничестве с нашими клиентами из числа аэропортов и логистических компаний, и обеспечивает длительную надежность, простоту в эксплуатации и низкие эксплуатационные расходы. Произведена на 100% из отечественных комплектующих.
Основные особенности:
Ширина ....................................................................................1320 мм.
Высота с поднятым дышлом ..................................................1195 мм.
Максимальная длина ..............................................................3990 мм.
Длина при поднятом вверх дышле ........................................3217 мм.
Габариты платформы .............................................................2500 х 1300 мм.
Высота платформы над уровнем земли ...............................495 мм.
Грузоподъемность ...................................................................2500 кг.
Вес ............................................................................................500 кг.
Максимальная скорость буксировки ......................................25 км/ч.
Радиус разворота ....................................................................2500 мм.
Радиус поворота дышла .........................................................±130⁰ (по 65⁰ вправо и влево)
Макс. допустимая нагрузка заднего сцепного устройства.....40 кН
Сделано в России
Baggage trolley CARGO 1600
This baggage handling trolley has been designed in close co-operation with local handling companies and airlines. The trolley offers a long-lasting reliability, easy operation and low maintenance costs.
Main features:
- The chassis is made of welded steel profiles (low carbon steel)
- There are fixed side walls on both sides of the trolley, in the basic configuration, preventing the fall of luggage - from the one side, and having a special recess for ease of loading / unloading - from the other side. The trolley can be equipped without side walls at all or woth the low wall, upon the request of the customer.
- Front and rear sides are closed with weatherproof plywood inserts that protect the luggage from dirt and chemicals that can get on it from the wheels the running ahead going vehicle.
- The trolley is equipped with a parking brake, which is activated by lifting and locking the drawbar in the top position.
- Loading platform made out of 2 waterproof plywood boards, V shaped, with gap in centre for escape of precipitation water.
- Chassis, platform, drawbar, side walls and rear hitch made out of welded steel profiles and fully hot-galvanized. Upon customer's request for the coating can be used powder paint, any color range RAL.
- Drawbar is foling, towing eye has D = 50 mm. (So you can use all popular tractors in the industry Rofan, Mulag, TUG, Still, Toyota, Charlatte, etc.), the rear hitch has D = 30 mm. For convenience of work, it is completed by the handle.
- Both axles steered by steering rods system, such chassis does not cut the angle of rotation, but accurately repeats the trajectory of the tractor, showing excellent handling and excellent maneuverability, in confined space, among the numerous columns, fences and etc.
- As part of the road train can tow up to 7 trolleys, incl.
- Upon request trolley can be equipped with the tent to protect baggage against precipitation.
Dimensions and characteristics:
Width ..................................................................1400 mm.
Height .................................................................1500 mm.
Maximum length .................................................3600 mm.
Length with the raised drawbar ..........................2850 mm.
Platform dimensions ...........................................2100 х 1400 mm.
Platform height above ground level ....................495 mm.
Payload ..............................................................1600 kg.
Weight ................................................................460 кг.
Maximum towing speed .....................................25 km/h. (15-16 mph.)
Temperature range.............................................-50⁰С…+50⁰С, humidity 100%
Turning radius ....................................................2504 mm.
Drawbar turning radius .......................................±130⁰
Max. load capacity rear hitch .............................40 kN
Made in Russia
Baggage trolley CARGO 1600E
This baggage handling trolley has been designed in close co-operation with local handling companies and airlines. The trolley offers a long-lasting reliability, easy operation and low maintenance costs.
Main features:
- The chassis is made of welded steel profiles (low carbon steel)
- There are fixed side walls on both sides of the trolley, in the basic configuration, preventing the fall of luggage - from the one side, and having a special recess for ease of loading / unloading - from the other side. The trolley can be equipped without side walls at all or woth the low wall, upon the request of the customer.
- Front and rear sides are closed with weatherproof plywood inserts that protect the luggage from dirt and chemicals that can get on it from the wheels the running ahead going vehicle.
- The trolley is equipped with a parking brake, which is activated when the tow bar is raised and locked in the upper position. The brake shoe is spring-loaded, which prevents its deformation during operation. Adjustment is made by a screed placed on a shoe.
- Loading platform made out of 2 waterproof plywood boards, V shaped, with gap in centre for escape of precipitation water.
- Chassis, platform, drawbar, side walls and rear hitch made out of welded steel profiles and fully hot-galvanized. Upon customer's request for the coating can be used powder paint, any color range RAL.
- Drawbar is foling, towing eye has D = 50 mm. (So you can use all popular tractors in the industry Rofan, Mulag, TUG, Still, Toyota, Charlatte, etc.), the rear hitch has D = 30 mm. For convenience of work, it is completed by the handle.
- The trolley has two axles, the rear one is fixed, the front one is mounted on the turntable ball bearing, which allows the front axle to have the angle of rotation of the drawbar 180⁰
- As part of the road train can tow up to 7 trolleys, incl.
- Upon request trolley can be equipped with the tent to protect baggage against precipitation.
Dimensions and characteristics:
Width ..................................................................1400 mm.
Height .................................................................1500 mm.
Maximum length .................................................3600 mm.
Length with the raised drawbar ..........................2850 mm.
Platform dimensions ...........................................2100 х 1400 mm.
Platform height above ground level ....................520 mm.
Payload ..............................................................1600 kg.
Weight ................................................................350 kg.
Maximum towing speed .....................................25 km/h. (15-16 mph.)
Temperature range.............................................-50⁰С…+50⁰С, humidity 100%
Turning radius ....................................................1500 mm.
Drawbar turning radius .......................................±180⁰
Max. load capacity rear hitch .............................40 kN
Made in Russia