Category Information
AERO HS1 Towbar Head (Hawker 400/800/900/1000)
Our HS1 aircraft towbar head is designed to perform towing operations on the Hawker-Siddely HS-125, Hawker 400/800/900/1000 aircraft. Requires TB2.5 or TB1 towbar, or other similar towbar.
All AERO Specialties towbars and heads are CE-marked and are shipped with corresponding CE documentation.
AERO Specialties is the approved and preferred manufacturer of towbars and heads for Horizon, Frontier, and Mesa regional airlines, as well as most major FBO chains such as Signature Flight Support, Landmark Aviation, and Atlantic Aviation.
- Heavy-duty, powder-coated steel construction
- 3" O.D. round head shank
- 8" head attach hole (will fit Tronair and other major manufacturer towbars in this class)
- Zinc-plated, quick-release ball-lock pin hardware (where applicable)
AERO ERJ145 Towbar Head (Embraer ERJ-135/140/145, Legacy)
AERO Specialties ERJ145 towbar head for Embraer ERJ-135/140/145 and Legacy regional airliners. This head features radial shear and a replaceable, robust shank for use in our heavy-duty TB125 or TB3 towbar. Our regional aircraft towing systems are designed and manufactured to provide long-term reliability to the busiest and most demanding regional jet customers.
AERO Specialties is the approved and preferred manufacturer of towbars and heads for Horizon, Frontier, and Mesa regional airlines, as well as most major FBO chains such as Signature Flight Support, Landmark Aviation, and Atlantic Aviation.
All AERO Specialties towbars and heads are CE-marked and are shipped with corresponding CE documentation.
- Radial Shear protection
- 3-1/4" O.D. TB3 Shank is standard
AERO CRJ3 Towbar Head (Bombardier CRJ 100/200/300, Challenger 850, Hawker 4000)
Our CRJ3 towbar head is designed to perform towing operations on the Bombardier CRJ-100/200/300/440 Regional Jets & Challenger 850 Series business jets, as well as the Raytheon Hawker 4000. Our regional jet towing systems are designed and manufactured to provide long-term reliability to the busiest and most demanding regional jet customers.
AERO Specialties is the approved and preferred manufacturer of towbars and heads for Horizon, Frontier, and Mesa regional airlines, as well as most major FBO chains such as Signature Flight Support, Landmark Aviation, and Atlantic Aviation.
All AERO Specialties towbars and heads are CE-marked and are shipped with corresponding CE documentation.
- Radial Shear protection
- Uniquely designed to protect easily damaged nose wheel outer flange
- 3-1/4" O.D. TB3/TB125 Shank is standard
AERO CGE Towbar Head (Global XRS, 5000, 6000)
Our CGE towbar head is designed to perform towing operations on Bombardier Global Express series business aircraft:
- Global Express XRS
- Global 5000
- Global 6000 (Formerly Global Express XRS)
Includes radial shear protection to prevent damage to aircraft nosegear. Requires our TB125 or TB3 towbar.
All AERO Specialties towbars and heads are CE-marked and are shipped with corresponding CE documentation.
AERO Specialties is the approved and preferred manufacturer of towbars and heads for Horizon, Frontier, and Mesa regional airlines, as well as most major FBO chains such as Signature Flight Support, Landmark Aviation, and Atlantic Aviation.
- Heavy-duty, powder-coated steel construction
- CNC-machined stainless steel nosegear attachment pins
- 3-1/4" O.D. round head shank, 9" head attach hole (will fit Tronair and other major manufacturer towbars in this class)
- Zinc-plated, quick-release ball-lock pin hardware (where applicable)
AERO SSJ100 Towbar (Sukhoi Superjet 100-75/95 & SBJ)
The AERO SSJ100 aircraft towbar is fabricated to withstand the forces of pushback and towing operations when attached to the nose gear of Sukhoi Superjet 100-75, 100-95 and SBJ aircraft.
- 8 x 15 (20.32 cm x 4.57 m) aluminum tube
- Quality shear bolts for aircraft protection
- Fully retractable hydraulic undercarriage for adjustable height
- Durable powder coat paint
- Extra set of shear bolts
- Pneumatic tires
- Foam filled tires
- Shock mounted lunette
- Spliced tube for easy transport
- Custom paint colors available
AERO Wide Body Multi-Use Towbar
Our Wide Body Multi-Use towbar features a fixed head that attaches to the nose gear of various widebody aircraft. The AERO Wide Body Multi-Use towbar is fabricated to withstand the forces of push and pull operations when attached to the nose gear of a moving:
- McDonnell Douglas DC-10
- McDonnell Douglas KC-10 Extender
- Lockheed L-1011 Tristar
- Airbus A330
- Airbus A340 (200-300)
- Airbus A350 XWB
- Boeing B767
- Boeing B777 (must change shear bolts)
- Boeing B787
- Boeing/McDonnell-Douglas MD-11
- Boeing/McDonnell-Douglas C-17
- Ilyushin IL-76
- Ilyushin IL-96
- Heavy duty steel tube
- Fully retractable hydraulic undercarriage for adjustable height
- Includes extra set of shear bolts
- Pneumatic tires
- Safety lock system to avoid separation from aircraft
- Durable powder coated paint
Custom paint colors available
AERO FAL7X Towbar Head (Dassault Falcon 7X)
Our FAL7X towbar head is designed to perform towing operations on the Dassault Falcon 7X aircraft. Requires AERO Specialties TB125 or TB3 towbar (3.25" ID).
- Heavy-duty, powder-coated steel construction
- Stainless steel hardware
- Radial and linear shear protection incorporated in head shank
- One active and two spare shear bolts
- Meets Dassault's specific requirements for shear force limits to protect aircract nose gear
- 3.25" O.D. round head shank, 9" head attach hole (will fit Tronair and other major manufacturer towbars in this class)
- Zinc-plated, quick-release ball-lock pin hardware (where applicable)
AERO FAL2 Towbar Head (Dassault Falcon 50, 900, 2000)
Our FAL2 towbar head is designed to perform towing operations on the Dassault Falcon 50, 900 & 2000 aircraft. Requires AERO Specialties TB2.5 or TB1 towbar, or other similar towbar.
- Heavy-duty, powder-coated steel construction
- Stainless steel hardware
- 3" O.D. round head shank, 8" head attach hole (will fit Tronair and other major manufacturer towbars in this class)
- Zinc-plated, quick-release ball-lock pin hardware (where applicable)
AERO CL3R Towbar Head (Bombardier Challenger 300/350 & Saab 340/2000)
Our CL3R towbar head is designed to perform towing operations on the Bombardier Challenger 300/350 and Saab 340/2000. Includes radial shear protection to protect aircraft nosegear from towing damage. Our towing systems are designed and manufactured to provide long-term reliability to the busiest and most demanding customers. Requires TB2.5 or TB1 towbar, or other similar towbar.
- Radial Shear protection
- CNC-machined stainless steel nosegear attachment pins
- Uniquely designed to protect easily damaged nose wheel outer flange
- 3" O.D. TB2 / 2.5 Shank is standard
Bombardier Challenger
- 300
- 350
- 340
- 2000
AERO CL1R Towbar Head (Bombardier Challenger 600, 601, 604, 605)
Our CL1R towbar head is designed to perform towing operations on Bombardier Challenger 600 series aircraft (600, 601, 604, 605). It includes radial shear protection to protect the aircraft nose gear from towing damage. Requires AERO Specialties TB2.5 or TB1 towbar, or other similar towbar.
- Heavy-duty, powder-coated steel construction
- Stainless steel hardware
- 3" O.D. round head shank, 8" head attach hole (will fit Tronair and other major manufacturer towbars in this class)
AERO Boeing B747 Towbar
The AERO B747 towbar is fabricated to withstand the forces of pushback and towing operations when attached to the nose gear of a Boeing 747.
- 8" x 8' (20.32cm x 2.44m) steel tube
- Fully retractable hydraulic running gear for adjustable height
- Includes extra set of shear bolts
- Pneumatic tires
- Safety lock system to avoid separation from aircraft
- Durable powder coated paint
- Custom paint colors available
AERO Boeing B757 Towbar
The AERO B757 aircraft towbar is fabricated to withstand the forces of pushback and towing operations when attached to the nose gear of a Boeing B757.
- 8” x 15’ (20.32 cm x 4.57 m) aluminum tube
- Quality shear bolts for aircraft protection
- Safety lock system to avoid separation from aircraft
- Fully retractable hydraulic undercarriage for adjustable height
- Pneumatic tires
- Durable powder coat paint
- Extra set of shear bolts included
- Foam filled tires
- Shock mounted lunette
- Spliced tube for easy transport
- Custom paint colors available
AERO Airbus A318, A319, A320, A321 Towbar
Our Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 aircraft towbar is fabricated to withstand the forces of pushback and towing operations when attached to the nose gear of an Airbus A318, A319, A320, or A321.
- 8” x 15’ (20.32 cm x 4.57 m) aluminum tube
- Quality shear bolts for aircraft protection
- Safety lock system to avoid separation from aircraft
- Fully retractable hydraulic undercarriage for adjustable height
- Pneumatic tires
- Durable powder coat paint
- Extra set of shear bolts included
- Foam filled tires
- Shock mounted lunette
- Spliced tube for easy transport
- Custom paint colors available
Водило буксировочное JTB-60 универсальное для буксировки ВС региональной и бизнес-авиации взлетной массой до 60 000 кг. SPHERA EQUIPMENT
Водило буксировочное JTB-60 универсальное для буксировки ВС региональной и бизнес-авиации взлетной массой до 60 000 кг., надежное оборудование для безопасной буксировки воздушных судов с помощью тягача за переднюю стойку шасси по бетонному покрытию как носом вперед, так и хвостом вперед. Конструкция водила обеспечивает безопасность стойки шасси самолета и предотвращает перегрузку при тяговом усилии или/и в момент поворота, или/и случайного противодействия ВС.
- Конструкция буксировочного водила соответствует:
- Общим техническим требованиям к средствам наземного обслуживания согласно ГОСТ 31812-2012.
- Общим требованиям IATA к аэропортовому оборудованию, требованиям безопасности IATA (АНМ 910, 913, 958);
- Вес водила без буксировочного адаптера– 60 кг;
- Длина водила – 3320 мм;
- Температурный режим – от -50С до +60С;
- Буксировочное кольцо (серьга) – 3” или 76,2 мм., ограниченно вращающаяся,
укомплектована шок-абсорбером для гашения возможных рывков;
- Буксировочная серьга снабжена срезным болтов, для предотвращения повреждений во время проведения процедур по буксировке ВС;
- Для хранения запасных срезных болтов, на оборудовании выполнено специальный держатель срезных болтов;
- Тело водила (труба) выполнена из высокопрочного алюминиевого сплава c внутренним диаметром под установку буксировочной головки (адаптера) с посадочным диаметром – 3 ¼” или 82.55 мм (для установки буксировочных головок (адаптеров) с посадочным диаметром 3” или 76,2 мм используется специальный переходник с 3 ¼“ на 3” который поставляется отдельно);
- Ходовая часть укомплектована впереди – двумя колесами, сзади – усиленными роликами;
- Отверстие для фиксирующего устройства находится на расстоянии 9” (228,6 мм.) от
переднего торца водила, что делает водило взаимозаменяем с буксировочными адаптерами от таких производителей как: Tronair, AEROSpecialties, Hydro и JMS;
- Водило оборудовано предохранительным пальцем с шариковым замком, позволяющим быстро менять буксировочные головки (адаптеры) и надежно фиксировать их;
- Для удобства эксплуатации, водило снабжено ручками спереди и сзади;
- Для увеличения стойкости к коррозии и износу, тело водила проходит пескоструйную обработку, покрывается цинкосодержащим грунтом и порошковой краской, устойчивой к авиационным смазочным материалам. Детали ходовой части и буксировочной серьги проходят процедуру химической гальванизации;
- Гарантийный срок - 24 месяца с момента поставки